Mori Mako Okamoto
(Mori van Deusdedit)

Please Note Mori Mako Okamoto is a fictional roleplay character made on the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV: Online in the universe of Final Fantasy. Please be aware that this profile may contain various spoilers for the Main Scenario story of Final Fantasy XIV: Online. This profile is a work in progress and may be subject to change.

ProfileFull name: Mori Mako Okamoto (née Mori van Deusdedit)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Half Au Ra (Raen), Half Garlean
Height: 163.5cm
Birthday: 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Place of Origin: Garlemald / Sui-no-Sato

BackgroundBorn and abandoned by her birth mother in the cold weather by the order of the Garlean father in Garlemald, adopted by Touma and Yuma Okamoto and raised in Sui-no-Sato. A respected family adopting an orphan from Garlemald was not liked in the village; strict no outsiders rule, from Garlemald in particular.Elders and other adults/kids were vary of her and she was outcast from groups/activities. Most of her childhood years were spent inside four walls. Her parents tried their best to prove people wrong, that she's a normal child like any other and not afflicted by the Garlean rule. Yet nothing changed.
She started having dreams that felt real at the age of 7, like being pushed into a complete different dimension only to be locked in it for hours. Only thing was that she wasn't alone.
She always woke up screaming and that didn't go unnoticed by the village. People started assuming she's cursed or possessed by something and they wanted to do something about it. They didn't want their children to be possibly cursed, so by the time she turned 14, she was exiled from the village. Yuma tried her best to keep her child, but to no avail. The word was final.All she felt was anger. Not truly understanding what is going on with her and the way everyone treated her, left her hateful towards everyone. All she could do was to survive somehow. Doing small jobs around the Ruby Sea got her something to eat at least, but no place to sleep. She started sleeping the days in secluded areas and being awake during the night, when it was the most safest to travel.
The dreams got more vivid and stronger by the time. Someone, or something, was telling her very clearly every single day, the same exact words; "Finish the job. Make us whole."
Confused, she began to look for answers. Where was she truly from, if not from Sui-no-Sato, and why was she there in the first place. So started her travel through the continents, until she reached Gridania.-She picked up Conjurer after registering herself as an adventurer. It proved to be a hard task as she had problems doing magics at all, as she had no idea about her past. She grew out some bangs on her, so her third eye wouldn't be visible to the public, or recognizable, as she has heard stories about people having that, and the stigma around them.That however, didn't stop her from trying. While out on a task to calm yet another elemental, she met an Auri man named Sumu. Turned out he was already a White Mage, so he became her tutor. She had no communication skills, so talking with Mori wasn't anything great nor fulfilling. He still stayed by her side, to teach her some manners around people who didn't want her dead necessarily. Being as vague as she could be, she never disclosed her origin nor anything from her background, even if she knew she probably wouldn't, or shouldn't.As time passed, she became more and more corrupt. Her own origin polluted her mind and the more she heard and discovered about these Garleans, she became to question herself. Why didn't her parents ever tell her she might be one of them? To protect her, maybe? How is she now supposed to take this information?She approached Sumu one day, finally telling him what polluted her mind. He could've lashed out for all she cared, but she was at the end of the line anyway. His reaction was calm, and he really seemed not to care too much, however he promised to keep it secret and told her to keep it from the leaders.(WIP)
